How Geometry Shapes My Life: A Personal Share

Srishti Arora

Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by geometric shapes and patterns. I loved to draw circles, squares, triangles, and other polygons on paper and create symmetrical designs. I also enjoyed playing with blocks, puzzles, and origami, and making complex structures out of simple shapes. Geometry helped me develop my spatial awareness, logic, and creativity.

As I grew older, I realized that geometry is everywhere in nature and art. I admired the beauty and harmony of geometric forms in flowers, snowflakes, honeycombs, crystals, and shells. I also appreciated the elegance and sophistication of geometric art in architecture, painting, sculpture, and fashion. Geometry inspired me to appreciate the diversity and unity of the world and to express my own identity and style.

Geometry also influenced my personality and habits. I am generally very organized and meticulous in everything I do. I like to plan ahead, set goals, and follow rules. I also like to keep things neat, tidy, and balanced. Geometry helps me create order and structure in my life and to cope with stress and chaos. Geometry gives me a sense of stability and security. Geometry is not only a passion, but a lifestyle for me. It is a way of thinking, feeling, and being. Geometry is my language, my art, and my love.
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